Friday, September 18, 2009

Booking Through Thursday - Recent Enjoyable

Oh, I had almost forgotten that yesterday was Booking Through Thursday. Here we go:
What’s the most enjoyable, most fun, most just-darn-entertaining book you’ve read recently?(Mind you, this doesn’t necessarily mean funny, since we covered that already. Just … GOOD.)
And the answer is Pregnant Pause by Carrie Friedman. This book is the most hilarious examination of the way our culture treats pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. Friedman holds nothing back, offering  hilarious opinions and touching stories of her experiences with:
  • pressure from friends, relatives (and even strangers,) to hurry up and procreate, 
  • baby lust and biological clocks
  • fear that having a child will change her life before she's ready
  • dealing with other peoples kids (and their parents.)
I was so excited when I came across this book in the Women's Studies section of the book store. Friedman articulates a lot of what I (and, surely, a lot of women in their 20s and 30s) have been feeling about babies, careers and the incredible responsibility that comes with being a parent. I related more to this book than anything I've read in a long time. And it made me feel more secure in my own choices and desires. (And the part about her dog totally made me cry.)

But, besides all that (and more to the point of this post,) did I mention that Friedman's book is freakin' hilarious? Seriously laugh-out-loud funny stuff laced with vitriol. I say it's the perfect pairing for your favorite wine.

And I hope that when she becomes a mother she writes a hilarious Erma Bombeck-style book on her parenting experiences. Find out more about Carrie Friedman and her writing at

Shameless plug alert: I wrote a  review of Pregnant Pause for Suite101 a while ago.

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